
Under finner du alle åpningstider i restaurant, afterski og kafeene våre. Vi holder sesongstengt frem til Desember

  • Restaurant
    Stengt fra 5. Mai til 5.Juni
    from 5th of May until 5th of June

    Åpner igjen 6.Juni:
    Open again from 6th of June:

    Torsdag- Lørdag
    kl 15:00 - 21:00
    kl 12:00 - 18:00

    Røldalterrassen is still renting apartments/cabins, taking cleaning orders throughout this period.
    If you are checking-in, please read your email confirmation/Airbnb inbox/reservation details thoroughly!

  • Stengt.

  • Se åpningstider Røldal skisenter